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Teaching Kids Everyday Money Skills

October 13, 2021

How One EdTech Company is Destigmatizing the Topic of Money

Breaking the stigma attached to talking about money by talking about money with everyone.

Money. It’s a subject that impacts our lives every single day in countless ways but very few people are willing to talk about it. Why? Because for generations it has been considered private and taboo to discuss. Money is a subject that is shrouded in a fear of being judged. One EdTech company is working to open the conversation in a bid to remove the stigma and make money a safe topic to open up about.

MoneyPrep is “Breaking Taboo” by talking with people from small children and their parents to university students and professionals in various fields. The developers of the educational video game app agree with the experts who say that the more we talk with our kids about household finances and money management, the higher the likelihood that they will become money-smart adults.

A 2020 national survey by Leger found 1 in 4 Canadians still consider money to be a topic better left in silence because it makes them squirm. Research indicates that one or both partners in 34 percent of American cohabiting couples were not able to identify what the other partner earns. The taboo is so deeply ingrained that it leaves some feeling intimidated to talk about money with their spouse, their kids, and sometimes even their financial advisors.

November is National Financial Literacy Month in Canada and MoneyPrep is jumping on board for Breaking Taboo: Opening the Money Conversation. It is a movement that intends to have a major social impact. MoneyPrep and experts agree that the more people talk about money with their kids the more financially literate society will become.

MoneyPrep is a video game app that teaches financial literacy skills and smart money habits to children aged 5-12. It uses innovative technology and societal trends to reach and teach the next generation. Find it on the App Store and Google Play.