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Teaching Kids Everyday Money Skills


always look around-kids and money

Always Look Around

My son recently asked for a very expensive birthday gift. He wanted a super high-end art marker set. 36 colored art markers for over $200. I told him to keep looking.

100% effort all the time-kids and money

100% Effort All the Time?

Teach your kids to put the same amount of effort into everything they do. It’s part of their character. I know it’s hard. It is sometimes difficult for kids to see past their own needs. Keep pushing. Try using money as the explainer…

giving is growing-money lessons for kids

Giving is Growing!

That feel-good rush is important and in fact, an essential part of learning about money handling and social responsibility. We need to give in order to understand value and reach.

brand loyalty and money-kids financial literacy

Brand Loyalty and Money

Heinz Ketchup, Kleenex tissues, Campbell’s soup, Nike shoes, Pampers diapers? We all have our favourites. Would you abandon them for a sale-priced item?